Apartments Near Elizabeth Community and Technical College

31 - 31 of 31 Results
Elizabethtown, KY
4 BR | Jun. 10, 2024
5.4 miles from center of campus
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Elizabeth Community and Technical College

Finding roommates to split apartment prices with can be tough, especially at a community college where many students commute from home and others are grown adults with families. But ECTC shares a campus with one of Western Kentucky University’s regional campuses so you can always partner up with students there to share a pad with. Generally, the more bedrooms you have in your apartment, and the more roommates you have, the cheaper rent can be. And if you’re willing to share a room with someone, you can pay rent that ranges from relatively inexpensive to dirt cheap. Elizabethtown is 45 minutes from Louisville, but doesn’t feel suburban at all. Like much of Kentucky, it has a distinct rural feel. This can be a pleasant setting to live in, but infuriating to commute in. There isn’t any public transportation you can use to get around every day, and everything is spread so far apart. Just driving to the grocery store or bank feels like such a chore because of how far away they can be from your apartment. It’s a lot to get used to, but if you have your own vehicle and don’t mind driving then it’s not bad. When you think about living in an urban area with constant traffic, you realize it could be worse.