Super Simple Ideas to Make Your Apartment Feel Like a Home

Moving into an apartment is such an exciting milestone, but it can take some time to get situated and feel comfortable with your living space. Some may have a hard time getting acclimated because renting and not having a space that’s theirs can be off-putting. The fact of the matter is, you’re living there, so you should want to create a space that you feel safe and comfortable in. 

While there are some limitations when it comes to renting, you can still make it a place you enjoy living in. 

Whether you’re only there for 6 months or plan to stay for a couple of years, this article will give you simple tips to help make your apartment feel more like home. 

Settle in

The first step to making your apartment feel like yours is completely settling in. Nobody likes living out of moving boxes, so make it a priority to unpack everything so you can start enjoying your space. Set up all your furniture and give every item a designated space. 

The sooner you can get all settled in, the sooner it will start feeling like a home and not a lifeless apartment. 

Paint or Wallpaper

The terms and regulations in a rental agreement are different wherever you go, but some may allow you to paint your walls. Paint is one of the easiest ways to give a room a quick facelift with your favorite color or one that matches your décor. 

If you’re unable to paint your walls, you could opt for removable wallpaper. This is a great option for renters as you can create an accent wall to give your living area a personal touch. 

Buy Good Furniture

Furniture is key to making your place feel comfortable. Furniture pieces are huge investments, but even if you’re renting, you can bring them with you whenever you decide to move again. 

If you’re not ready for a huge investment and are decorating on a budget, look on sites like Offer Up or Craigslist, or visit your local thrift store to find some good deals. 

Without furniture, you’ll never really be able to fully settle in and make your apartment feel homey. 

Make it Cozy

Apartments can tend to feel dull and empty in the first couple of weeks. Up the cozy factor by adding blankets and throws, pillows, and lighting up your favorite candle scent. The comfier you feel, the more it will start to feel like your safe place. 

Cook Often

Nothing says home like a fresh home-cooked meal. Even if you’re far from your loved ones, whipping up your favorite family recipe can help it feel like they’re there with you. 

Your kitchen is one of the most used spaces, so make setting it up a priority. Invest in quality kitchen accessories such as silverware, glass and dishware, cutting boards, and great quality knives to maximize your cooking needs. 

Add Personal Touches 

Though sometimes apartment rules can restrict you from decorating the way you want, there are plenty of ways you can add style without having to paint or drill holes into the wall. 

Hang family photos on your wall or fridge or add some sentimental items around that hold great value. Surrounding yourself with these items can help your apartment feel more like yours. 


Lighting is a crucial element that can transform any household. If your home is feeling dull, good lighting, whether natural or artificial, can help bring new life to your space. 

Bring natural light in by opening all your windows or invest in florescent or LED bulbs for energy-efficient options that will give the feel of natural, soft light. 


Curtains are great for privacy and add a nice finishing touch to your place. Your apartment might come with cheap plastic blinds that are a huge eyesore. Curtains can cover up this element and tie your décor together