A Neat and Happy Home: Basic Tips to Get Rid of Stuff You Don’t Need

Clutter is slowly taking over the lives of many renters nationwide.

Storage is a 154 billion dollar industry, however, statistics show the average person doesn’t use 80% of the items they own. Having too much stuff leads to feelings of depression and being overwhelmed but ironically, getting rid of stuff is a task many people find nearly impossible.

While these are staggering statistics, the good news is, you can de-cluttering will no longer feel like an uncomfortable and impossible task. 

white camera on table

If you are wondering how to get rid of stuff you don’t need, here are several ways to get you started.

Schedule Your De-Cluttering Session

The first step to getting rid of stuff you don’t need is to schedule your de-cluttering session.

person holding pencil and stick note beside table

By scheduling time to clear your space, you are setting an intention and making time to tackle this important task.

Make a Plan

A great tip for how to get rid of things is to make a plan. Will you clear room-by-room, or use another de-cluttering method? Make a plan to get rid of your stuff in the most organized way.

Make of List of Must-Keeps

Getting rid of stuff at the moment can be difficult and it is easy to make up reasons why you need to keep certain items. 

cardboard box lot

Avoid this temptation by making a list of things you must keep before you start de-cluttering. This way you won’t have to make your decision in the moment. If an item is not on the list, donate it, or throw it away. 

Have a peek at these guys or this company and schedule a same-day trash pickup for the items you don’t need.

Use a “Maybe” Box

If you come across something you just have to keep, even though you haven’t used it in a while, consider putting the item in a “maybe” box. Set a limit of “maybe” items you can have and a time limit for keeping them. If you haven’t used a “maybe” item in a few months, donate it, or throw it away. 

person holding knitted textiles

Commit to a De-Cluttering Routine

Once you have followed the tips for how to get rid of everything you don’t need, commit to clearing as you go and being careful about what you bring into your home. By spending intentionally and de-cluttering regularly, you can maintain a clutter-free space. 

How to Get Rid of Stuff You Don’t Need: The Bottom Line

By implementing these tips for how to get rid of stuff you don’t need, you can live in a clean, clear, and healthy environment. All you need to do is commit to your de-cluttering, make a plan, and follow-through. 

Make a list of things to keep, donate, and throw away for easier de-cluttering. If you have items you just can’t part with, putting them in a “maybe” box can help you decide if you should keep them or throw them away. Start small and commit to your de-cluttering schedule to maintain a clear space. 

Use these tips to easily get rid of all the stuff you don’t need.

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