How to Employ Organic Decor to Appeal to Eco-Conscious Tenants

People managing properties are finding it increasingly difficult to match the expectations of those looking to rent spaces for living or working. One of the reasons for this trend is the fact that tenants are looking for places that are eco-friendly as much as possible. This is particularly true when it comes to young people, who are just starting out in the world, but who are also the majority of renters today.

That’s why it’s vital to bear in mind that modern-day tenants have different requirements from those in the past and that they have completely embraced the green mentality, wishing to incorporate it in every single aspect of their lives. So, you if wish to boost your chances of renting out a place, you need to cater to such needs. If you make the space in question greener, you’ll not only boost it on the market, but it will definitely become a much more pleasant space for living. So, how do you do it?


Needless to say, eco-aware tenants will be looking at all the equipment in the home you’re renting out, looking for . That’s why you should replace your old appliances with those that consume much less energy. It’ll both make your home more energy-efficient and cheaper to maintain, but your impact on the environment will be significantly less damaging.

Bring nature indoors

Another tip is to include as many natural elements into your interior design as possible. That means you should opt for natural materials, such as wood, stone, brick, jute, bamboo and various types of greenery. Your space will look much better and your prospective tenants will definitely notice the effort you invested. If you’re not sure what kind of plants would thrive in the house, consult experts and consider plants for hire if you want them skillfully chosen and arranged to fit your setting.

Exposed brick wall

Bricks have been quite fashionable for some time, but it seems that more people now choose to have an exposed brick wall somewhere in their home. Basic grey brick complements a monochrome living room, while red brick is the preferred choice when it comes to a more rustic space. On the other hand, yellow brick provides an industrial vibe, but you can also paint the brick white. Regardless of the color you choose, a brick wall will give the room a very natural vibe, which is something modern tenants appreciate.


One of the most beautiful, popular and versatile natural elements is definitely wood. Its raw beauty makes it highly desirable in interior design. You can choose from a range of finishes, from raw to high-gloss, which makes it much easier to combine it with other elements in the room. Instead of covering your beautiful wooden floor, leave it exposed and consider introducing a wooden panel in the bathroom for the spa-like feel. Using reclaimed or salvaged wood can only add more character to space and make it more sustainable at the same time.


Very few people are indifferent towards rugs. Most either love or hate them, but those who would never have a rug in their house are likely to have made the mistake of choosing the wrong kind of rug at some point in the past. Rugs can easily find their space in any design and they can really make the space much nicer and more comfortable. What you have to be careful, though, is to choose natural rugs for your space, such as jute ones, which will not only make the space more inviting and cozy but which will also be easy to clean and maintain.


One of the rooms where you can really go eco-friendly is the bathroom. If you reduce flush volumes and toilet water consumption, introduce showers with flow limiters, replace traditional bulbs with LEDs and choose taps and showers with aerators, you’ll not only save the amount of water and energy used, but you’ll also reduce your water and electricity bills. 

The eco-friendly products can make your bathroom experience more comfortable and pleasant; The comfort height toilet is also a crucial factor that determines how comfortably you can use. It would be best if you use the comfort height toilets if you have seniors members at home.

If you include at least some of the suggested solutions in your rental property’s interior design, it will undoubtedly become much more attractive and eco-friendly, which will go a long way in attracting eco-conscious tenants. Bearing in mind that there are more such people looking for a property than ever, your place will definitely become much more desirable on the market and you shouldn’t have problems finding tenants very quickly.