7 Tips for Apartment Dwellers to Save Energy at Home

Apartment living can bring its own set of unforeseen challenges. Utility bills fluctuate constantly depending on your usage and the size of your apartment. This can present difficulties when trying to save money or attempting to budget.

Create better habits by considering other energy-efficient options.

Is using less water a better solution for the planet? Could a simple rug change your utility bill? Some options could be much simpler than others and may provide the best relief against some chilly weather and an outrageous utility bill. 

Tip 1: Adjust your Lighting 

Lighting is the first place to start when attempting to save money when living in an apartment. It’s the easiest and quickest way to cut down on your bills. Buying some energy-efficient light bulbs can drastically reduce your usage saving you a good chunk of change. If your landlord or management company isn’t already using energy-efficient light bulbs, suggest to them this efficient alternative instead of the outdated energy exploiting light bulb.

You can depend on the Energy Star light bulbs to save you $65 a year while using at least 75% less energy. Living in an apartment means you don’t have full control of your dwelling however, this is an efficient way to take control of your bill. Additionally, it doesn’t hurt to turn the lights off when you leave the room, if you get into the habit of doing this, you’ll slowly see your savings add up.

Tip 2: Unplug your Simple Electronics 

Most people don’t know that keeping your everyday electronics plugged in consumes energy even when you’re not using them. Unplug all your electronics even when you’re not using them because they take up about an estimated 15 percent of your household electricity usage. The electronic clock you have by your nightstand, the electronic toothbrush you have plugged in, and even the idle phone charger in the wall all consume electricity.

When turned off some appliances keep draining power giving them the name “vampire electricity.” Save some pennies on your energy bill and unplug all your electric appliances. If you do this frequently, you’ll be able to clearly compare your additional savings by the end of the year. 

Tip 3: Invest in Some Rugs

Cold winters may have you dialing up the thermostat but be wary that the cost of your electricity bill will rise with it. Instead of reaching for the thermostat warm up your cold hard floors with a stylish rug. Add color, change up the theme of a room, or even divide a space. Relying on your heating system is not cost-effective.

If you live in colder areas this is a necessity, like Chicago for example. Casually turning up your heater during the winter can add up even when you don’t expect it. A practical and stylish alternative such as a rug could be the answer to your chilly nights. 

Tip 4: Cut Your Water Usage 

It might surprise you to learn that both water and energy usage in buildings are linked together. Electricity or gas is most often used to heat water providing you with those steamy hot showers or boiling cooking water. Not only that, but water companies use energy to purify and pump water.

Energy is being continuously used throughout your water consumption. Fight copiously using water when taking long showers and leisurely running your dishwasher by cutting down your time using this resource. You might not realize it at first, but your bathroom and kitchen could be the main bulk of your utility bill. 

Tip 5: Archive Your AC

Not only is running your air conditioner expensive, it amounts for about 6% of all electricity produced in the United States. Only a handful of appliances cost more to run such as swimming pools and clothing dryers. Take steps to cut out your air conditioner by maintaining consistent indoor temperatures.

Consider investing in some black-out curtains that effectively keep the heat out and maintain your room cool. Have you investigated purchasing a portable air conditioner? A smaller unit may be better for single-use and could get the job done as equally well. Look into your many options for cooling your dwelling without sacrificing an arm and a leg. 

Tip 6: Seal your Home

Air leakage may occur when outside air enters a room, and condition air leaves your home. Look for air leakages before moving in, this is an easy hurdle to avoid during your rental inspection that most renters don’t look out for. There’s no escaping the cold air introduction when you open the door however, this should be the only method of welcoming in cold air to your home. A draft seal or a weather-stripper can combat the chilly air from entering your home.

If you feel any air slipping through the cracks you can also choose a cheaper alternative by tossing a towel or cloth under your door. When it comes to windows, apply some caulk around the border to stop air leaks. Ensuring airtightness in your home will set you up to become more energy efficient. 

Tip 7: Adjust your Thermostat

People across the country are now considering a modern alternative for adjusting the temperature in their home. A smart thermostat is an investment that could aid in conserving energy and save you a heap of money in the long run. These innovative thermostats save you money by keeping the temperature low for as long as possible.

If this isn’t an affordable option, start by becoming conscious of your home energy usage. Begin turning your thermostat lower by 10 to 15 degrees for 8 hours per day to increase your monthly savings. Save some energy and some money by tinkering with the overused thermostat. 

What’s Next?

Start using these simple ways to save energy in your apartment. Most people who live in apartments believe there isn’t much you can do to cut down on your energy consumption. Contrary to popular belief, the small efforts you make do add up. Slowly but surely reducing your usage will trickle down to your pockets.

It’s difficult to call the shots on your environment when renting or leasing so take advantage of any energy agency you can get. Remember, conserving energy isn’t just good for the Earth it’s also convenient for your pockets, a complete win-win situation.