Home / Atlanta Area Apartments / Forest Park / Bimini Ln
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Updated 13 hours ago

Bimini Ln


Forest Park, GA

1 Bed
1 Bath

1,950 Sq. Ft.
1 Bed • 1 Bath
1950 ft2
1 Available

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Total Unit Count: 1
Last Updated: Updated 13 hours ago
Contact Number: (470) 536-8312
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Bimini Ln, managed by Padsplit, is a one-of-a-kind rental property nestled in the heart of Forest Park, GA. This property offers a unique floor-plan type, featuring spacious 1-bedroom units that span an impressive 1,950 square feet.

As you step inside Bimini Ln, you'll instantly notice the abundance of natural light that floods the open-concept living spaces. The clever design maximizes space and creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for relaxing or entertaining friends and family.

The kitchen is a chef's dream, boasting modern appliances, ample counter space, and sleek cabinetry, making meal prep a breeze. The bedroom offers a peaceful retreat, with enough room to accommodate your furniture and a cozy spot for a study or reading nook.

In addition to the incredible interior, Bimini Ln also offers a host of community amenities to enhance your lifestyle. Take a dip in the sparkling swimming pool on a hot summer day or enjoy a leisurely stroll through the beautifully landscaped grounds. There is even a fitness center on-site for those who want to stay active and maintain their fitness goals.

With its prime Forest Park location, Bimini Ln provides easy access to a wide range of shopping, dining, and entertainment options. Commuting is a breeze, thanks to the property's proximity to major highways and public transportation options. Additionally, the community is well-maintained and managed by Padsplit, ensuring a positive and hassle-free living experience for residents.

If you're looking for a spacious and modern 1-bedroom apartment in Forest Park, Bimini Ln is the perfect destination for you. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make this exceptional property your new home.
Data provided by GreatSchools
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on a scale of 1 (below average) to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider family needs as part of the school selection process.
To comfortably afford an apartment, we recommend having at least three times your monthy rent in gross household income.
View suggested annual incomes for Bimini Ln by bedroom type below.
1 Bedroom
Suggested income:
per year
Rent report

Bimini Ln Rent vs. Forest Park Average

 Bimini Ln      Forest Park Average

Bimini Ln is asking 27% less than the average 1 bedroom apartment in Forest Park.

If you upsized to an average priced Forest Park 2 bedroom apartment, you would pay 13% more per month.

If you downsized to an average priced Forest Park studio apartment, you would pay 16% more per month.

Bimini Ln provides 166% more square footage than the average Forest Park 1 bedroom apartment.

Monthly Rent Rent per Sq. Ft. Suggested
Monthly Income
Bimini Ln
1BR $685 $0.40 $2,055
Forest Park Average
Studio $1,116 $1.30 $3,349
1BR $939 $1.30 $2,817
2BR $1,077 $1.30 $3,231
3BR $1,298 $1.20 $3,894
4BR $1,577 $1.00 $4,731

Availability in Forest Park

In order to find the best deal, you need to know what types of units are available. Property managers may be willing to give concessions if they have many vacant units.

There are currently 116 2BR units on the market in Forest Park. If you're looking to negotiate, this may be your best option.

23% 22% 46% 6% 2%
Available Units in Forest Park
Studio 58
1BR 56
2BR 116
3BR 14
4BR 5
Nearby Colleges
Nearby Hospitals
Name Distance
Southern Crescent Hospital For Specialty Care 1.75 mi.
Southern Regional Medical Center 1.8 mi.
Riverwoods Behavioral Health System 1.86 mi.
Nearby Fire Stations
Name Distance
Satolah Volunteer Fire Department 5.7 mi.
Rabun County Fire Department 5.7 mi.
City Of Hapeville Fire Department 6.33 mi.
Is this property currently leasing units?
Yes, there is 1 unit available at this property.
How many units are move-in ready in the next 2 months?
There are no units with move-in dates in the next 2 months.
What's the square footage of the available units?
It's 1,950 square feet.
Does this property allow cats or dogs?
The property manager did not submit a pet policy with this listing.
Where is this property located?
This property is at Bimini Ln in Forest Park, GA. It's 2.8 miles south from the center of Forest Park.
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