Apartments Under $1,200 in Eden, NC

1 - 4 of 4 Results
$749 - 1,195
625 Washington St Eden, NC
Studio - 2 BR | Available Now
Dog Friendly
Cat Friendly
Disability Access
Eden, NC
2 BR | Available Now
Dog Friendly
Cat Friendly
Eden, NC
2 BR | Available Now
Dog Friendly
Cat Friendly
12837 Martinsville Hwy Cascade, VA
2 BR | Available Now
1 - 4 of 4 Results
  1. Home
  2. Greensboro, NC Area Apartments
  3. Eden
  4. Apartments Under $1,200

Apartments Under $1,200 in Eden, NC: June Rental Information

Welcome to the Apartments Under $1,200 in Eden, NC monthly rent report. In this report, Rentable provides valuable insights into the current rental market in Eden as of June 2024. Our team of data scientists and rental experts analyze the latest trends, availability, and pricing for apartments under $1,200 in the Eden area.

In this report, you will find information on the overall market rent distribution for apartments priced below $1,200 in Eden. We also break down the availability of apartments by bedroom count and provide month-over-month comparisons to help you understand the current rental landscape. Additionally, this report offers valuable details on the features and amenities you can expect to find in apartments within this price range, as well as the different location options available in Eden. Whether you're a student, young professional, or a family, this report will give you a comprehensive overview of the available rental options in Eden within your budget.
0 2 5 7 10 <$800
This month, the typical cost to rent a one-bedroom apartment in Eden stands at $830, with the majority falling between $830 and $830. Out of the 8 one-bedroom apartments currently on the market in Eden, 8 are priced below $1,200, accounting for 100% of the total available one-bedroom units in Eden.

Looking for Apartments Under $1,200 in Eden?

Available apartments under $1,200 27
Top amenities On Site Laundry, Refrigerator, Garbage Disposal, Smoke Free Community, Garage Attached
Pet friendly 7
Studio 2
1 Bedroom 1
2 Bedroom 5