Apartments in Brookings

1 - 5 of 5 Results
1802 12th St S Brookings, SD
2 BR | Available Now
Dog Friendly
Cat Friendly
Air Conditioning
Surface Parking
$609 - 681
500 15Th St Brookings, SD
2 - 3 BR | Ask for Availability
Heat Included
Income Restricted
Air Conditioning
Disability Access
3D Tour
$825 - 925
1016 Southland Ln Brookings, SD
1 - 2 BR | Jul. 10, 2024
Dog Friendly
Cat Friendly
Disability Access
Brookings, SD
2 BR | Jul. 8, 2024
Dog Friendly
Cat Friendly
$609 - 681
500 15Th St Brookings, SD
2 - 3 BR | Ask for Availability
Income Restricted
Air Conditioning
Surface Parking
Disability Access
1 - 5 of 5 Results
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How much does it cost to rent an apartment in Brookings?

Brookings Apartments
Bed Type Average Rent Range
2BR $930 $610 - $1,440
3BR $660 $660 - $660

Find a Brookings Apartment

Although it is the fourth largest city in the state, Brookings, South Dakota still feels like a small town in most senses of that term. However, what it lacks in the size of the city, it makes up for in the size of the University. South Dakota State University is the largest university or college in the State. With more than 12,000 students, it's population accounts for half of the active population of the entire town.

Brookings is also a cultural hub, with a summer arts festival and the South Dakota art museum. The small size of the town is convenient for students, as while you're hunting for an apartment you can rest assured that wherever you end up, you'll be within a reasonable distance of the University.

When to Search

The relative scarceness of rental property in Brookings means that you want to start looking early. Give yourself at least four months to start your apartment hunt to give yourself the best possible chance of finding a place that you're going to be happy with

Staying in the Know

Many landlords in Brookings will keep waiting lists of people looking for apartments. If you find a building that you like that doesn't have current vacancy, don't hesitate to reach out to the landlord anyway. If something opens up, you may be first in line for the apartment.

Life in Brookings


There is no public transit to speak of in Brookings, which is something to be aware of before you move to town. However, the small size of the community means that it is very friendly to both walkers and cyclists. If you happen to be out partying and need a ride home though, Brookings does offer the Safe Ride Home program which provides safe transit throughout the school year. This service operates a shuttle bus that stops at the busier parts of downtown and campus on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights until 2:30 A.M.

Where to play

For a small city in South Dakota, Brookings has an impressive nightlife scene. Head down to Main Street on a Friday or Saturday night to check out one of the many restaurants or bars. For the best pizza in town, make sure to check out George's. Outdoors enthusiasts will love the hiking and cycling found in the Dakota Nature Park.